Posted by: The ocean update | May 3, 2013

Shark catch banned (Mexico)

Whale shark. (Photo Credit : Greenpeace)

Whale shark. (Photo Credit : Greenpeace)

May 3rd, 2013 (Analia Murias). The Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (Sagarpa) ordered the fishing ban on all shark species on the coasts of the country.

The aim of the measure, which is in force from 1 May, is to promote the sustainable development of the resource and protect its development, reproduction and growth.

The ban, published in the Official Journal of the Federation, was set based on fishery-biological studies conducted by the National Fisheries Institute (Inapesca).

The fishing ban in federal waters of the Pacific Ocean will finish on 30 July this year, while in the Gulf of Mexico region the restriction will be extended until 30 June.

For the area of the Campeche Bank, another fishing ban period during the month of August (from 1 to 31 inclusive) will be added to the ban to be implemented in the Gulf of Mexico.

Besides, Sagarpa determined a ban on ray species catches in the Pacific Ocean, from 1 May to 31 July, 2013.

Inapesca will continue developing biological-fisheries assessments of shark and ray populations found in marine waters, bays and estuarine lagoon systems on both coasts of Mexico.

And the National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries (Conapesca), in coordination with members of the Secretariat of Marine Affairs, will be responsible for monitoring and supervising the implementation of the ban.

