Support Sibylline

Purpose of Sibylline :

Respect and protection of marine life (whales, dolphins, seabirds, turtles, sharks …) distressed (stranding, oil spill, the consequences of human activity…) and its environment by veterinary medicine, research and education.

Our actions in the field :

– Train rescuers ready to intervene in case of an stranding event, so that rescuers and animals are not endangered by bad practices.
In the case of dolphins or whales, beaching or stranding is an absolute emergency, hence the need of not to waste a single second.

-Training of veterinaries located in coastal municipalities to intervene on marine life, including whales. It can not be improvised a “whale doctor,” we train for these emergencies.

– Provide medical care to each animal found stranded

– Reunion Island : discover and identify the sources of pollution that might explain the presence of bull sharks, specie pointed out as responsible in accidents

– Development of shark repellents : working on the absence of negative side effects of these devices. This is not because it works that we should not consider the potential collateral damage.

– Identify cosmetics containing squalene from animal (shark liver), determine cytotoxicity (neoplastic potential in cells) of each product and provide a consumer guide.

Abroad : advisory role or intervention in other countries : Central America, South America, Europe, etc …

The fundraising is in addition to the previous interventions, to finance :

– Repair and transformation of a boat (offered) into a hospital for marine wildlife

– Financing of intervention materials on beaches and hospitalization in situ (coast)

– Financing of veterinary portable equipment : radio devices, ultrasound, laboratory hematology and biochemistry, thermal camera, ultrasonic apparatus, anesthesia machine

– Finance a portable device processing plastics macro-waste into oil. The plastic pollution is dramatic for marine wildlife.

– Make educational movies.

Why donate ?

Sibylline Oceans is recognized of general interest. True mission of long-term, whatever level of giving you choose, your donation and dedication is invaluable to our marine mammal patients.

Your donation is tax deductible in your country as allowed by law. Whatever this last, you will receive an official receipt.

Ej. : for individuals taxed in France, donations receive a tax reduction on income equal to 66% of their amount within the limit of 20% of net taxable income (Law of 1 August 2003 published in the Official Journal of 2 August ). Thus a donation of 100 euros to 34 euros up to you.
For individuals taxed in France and subject to the wealth tax, donations receive a tax reduction equal to 75% of their amount. Thus, a donation of 1,000 euros that will cost you 250 euros.

For companies, donations receive a tax reduction of 60% relative to the sponsorship, within the limit of 000 5/1 of the turnover according to Article 238 bis of the French Tax Code. Thus, a donation of 2,000 euros that will cost you 800 euros.

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