Posted by: The ocean update | January 20, 2014

Iwi pitch in to save stranded whales (New Zealand)

January 20th, 2014. Iwi at the top of the South Island are working tirelessly to help the Department of Conservation refloat hundreds of whales stranded at Farewell Spit.

Ngati Tama ki te Tau Ihu are part of a huge effort to save the marine mammals, and are also working to dispose their carcasses in a culturally sensitive way.

Iwi spokesperson Jo Westrupp says Ngati Tama, which is a kaitiaki (guardian), in the area, has been involved with the salvage effort since the first significant stranding late last year.

Takaka kaumatua John Ward-Holmes goes out to the spit each time local people report any whale strandings.

Ms Westrupp says Mr Ward-Holmes is supported by other tribe members, including those in the closeknit Takaka and Golden Bay communities.

Karakia or prayers have been said for the whales swimming out and for those which have died on the beach.

