Posted by: The ocean update | February 23, 2013

Another Marine Life Die Off in Peru : Could You Believe It ?

February 23th, 2013 (Stranded No More). We could not shake off this feeling of deja vu when we’ve heard about this brand new die off  in Peru happening nearly exactly the year after the one in 2012.


Not only it happens roughly at the same time it is happening in the same area!! We hate to say it once again but we found hazardous operations areas plus BPZ Oil Company was again possibly doing 3D seismic surveys (and maybe other companies too, see below).  Last year die off was linked to seismic surveys (see our blog) but later we also found hazardous operations that could also be a culpit. Here is what we found out so far re this year:

1. The Die Off 2013

The area includes San José, in Lambayeque (see map). 90 animals were found dead including:

18 turtles, 22 sea lions , 8 dolphins , 16 porpoises , 22 pelicans and others.

IMARPE again investigates which is a guarantee that it will be another “unsolved mystery” (link and link)

2. Anthropogenic Noise Activities: Possible Military Operations AND Seismic surveys.

Here is what we found so far:

1. Two areas of “hazardous operations”:

a) Area 1: January 29-30, 2013, operations daily

b) Area 2: January 29-30, 2013, operations daily

c) Area 3: February 7, 2013

Now, we do not know what these hazardous operations included exactly, but they were likely involving some military testing.

2. Some evidence that BPZ was active in its famous Z-1 block. We could not find the exact dates so far, but indirect reports indicate that they might have been doing 3D seismic surveys:

a) Article from February 5, 2013: “Currently, the company is focused on optimizing oil production in the Corvina field in Block Z-1, which includes setting a new drilling and production platform (the CX-15) in the field and implementing an offshore drilling campaign for this platform. The company has also embarked on completing a three dimensional seismic survey in Block Z-1 to assess whether it is viable to conduct additional exploration and development activity within the block. This also includes the acquisition of offshore seismic data so as to better understand the characteristic and potential of its fields within Block Z-1.” (link)

b) Article from January 24 2013: “There is an increase in exploration activity in the region of Block Z-34. In Block Z-38 (north from Block Z-34) operator Karoon, an Australian company, has recently announced a program to drill two wells with an option of one more by late 2013 early 2014. The Directors believe that Karoon’s drilling campaign, if successful, should add value to Block Z-34 as the block is in a similar geological environment as our block. In addition, companies with assets east of Block Z-34 (Savia), north east (BPZ /Pacific Rubiales) and further south (Savia and SK Energy) have announced aggressive exploration and development plans.” (link)

c) Article from January 22, 2013: “Phase II of the original 1,600 square kilometer seismic acquisition project on Block Z-1 is now complete.” (link)

So what does this all means? It means two things:

1. The die off is again most likely caused by anthropogenic activities (military, Big Oil or both)

2 This die off is similar to 2012 die off

3 It will be hushed down and not investigated like the 2012 one

4  USA should pay attention, this is what will be happening on the US shores very soon.

3. Few Words About Currents

Check out the map that could explain how carcasses could end up in Lambayeque :


4. Few Words About Earthquakes

Peru is located in seismically active area, but see for yourself , there have not been any significant or notable offshore quakes in last 30 days, except for a few small ones,  including 4.7 one happening 86km SSW of Acari, Peru. Now what is interesting is that hazardous operations also took place on Jan 30 not that far from this place.



5. Map from Last Year Die Off (blog posts link and link)


6. Comparison Between 2012 Hazardous Operations and 2013 Hazardous Operations

Note that in 2012 there were more operations, larger area and the die off was bigger.


The Bottom Line :

This needs to be INVESTIGATED. Had it been investigated last year, this year die off could have been prevented. This cannot go on like it does, it is like a bad dream repeating itself over and over again.

