Posted by: The ocean update | May 15, 2013

Xiamen to build China’s first whale and dolphin lake on Huoshao Islet

Huoshao Islet is the biggest islet in Xiamen’s western sea waters

Huoshao Islet is the biggest islet in Xiamen’s western sea waters

15 May 2013. Xiamen is currently building a home for whales and dolphins on an uninhabited islet in Xiamen’s western sea waters.

Workers have almost finished the dredging work, and are now repairing the banks of an artificial seawater lake on Huoshao Islet, the largest uninhabited islet in Xiamen’s western sea waters. The artificial lake will connect with the sea through a sluice to maintain good water quality.

A dolphin cultural corridor, a dolphin landscape gallery and a Chinese white dolphin theme sculpture will be built around the lake to popularize dolphin knowledge and increase public awareness of dolphin protection.

The lake, which is expected to finish construction before the end of this year, will be the first whale and dolphin lake in China.

Two bottle-nose dolphins have settled in the lake, and more whales and dolphins will move there in the future. There is also a Chinese white dolphin breeding centre and a special education center for children with intellectual disabilities on the uninhabited islet, which is about 900 meters long, 400 meters wide and 34.7 meters above sea level.

 Ndlr Sibylline : concealed behind this program is nothing more than the captivity’s industry and its pack of suffering and loss of biodiversity.

