Posted by: The ocean update | December 26, 2014

Preliminary necropsy completed in whale’s death (Virginia, USA)

A member of the stranding team with the female Minke Whale on Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2014. (Photo : Virginia Aquarium)

A member of the stranding team with the female Minke Whale on Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2014. (Photo : Virginia Aquarium)

December 26th, 2014. The Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Team found the beached whale had injuries consistent with entanglement, although nothing in terms of nets etc. were present with the animal.

The whale also had broken bones and other injuries consistent with blunt force trauma. This could be the result of a boat or ship strike, but there was nothing to specifically confirm what caused these injuries.

Final results of blood tests will not be available for up to two months.

VIRGINIA BEACH — We’re waiting for results of a necropsy that could reveal what caused a whale’s death.

The carcass of the female Minke Whale washed ashore near Dam Neck Naval Base in Virginia Beach on Wednesday.

The Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Team, with the help of personnel on Dam Neck, moved the whale from the shoreline to higher ground for the necropsy that was to be done Friday.

The Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program says you can report a dead or live stranded marine mammal or sea turtle on the 24-hour hotline at (757) 437-6159.

