Posted by: The ocean update | March 11, 2015

Folly Beach opposes offshore drilling, joins 37 coastal communities (South Carolina, USA)

oil-platformMarch 11th, 2015. FOLLY BEACH, SC -This evening, the city of Folly Beach unanimously passed a resolution opposing offshore drilling and the use of seismic airguns to search for oil and gas deposits off their coast. Folly Beach followed Edisto Island, Beaufort, Port Royal, and Isle of Palm’s lead becoming the fifth community in South Carolina to formerly pass a resolution opposing offshore drilling and seismic blasting, and the 37th coastal community to publically oppose or voice concern with seismic airgun use.

“Oceana applauds Folly Beach city council for taking a stand and protecting South Carolina residents from the dangers of offshore drilling and seismic blasting,” said campaign organizer Samantha Siegel. “Now is the time for all South Carolina residents and elected officials to voice our opposition.  Our strength in numbers can and will win this fight.  We look forward to seeing which community will pass the next resolution.”

“It is nice that the city of Folly Beach took an action on this issue,” said Mayor of Folly Beach Tim Goodwin, “and I think we are in the majority with this action.”

Additionally, the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has opposed offshore drilling and seismic blasting.  60+ members of Congress, well over 200 local elected officials75 leading scientists, more than 160 conservation and animal welfare organizations, as well as the Billfish Foundationthe International Game Fish Association, the Southeastern Fishery Association, and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, have also opposed the use of seismic airguns. Oceana has delivered more than 100,000 petitions opposing their use to the director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.

The Obama administration released its draft five-year plan for oil and gas development on the Outer Continental Shelf, and huge swaths of the Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean are included for potential development, including the coast of South Carolina.

Background : 
Seismic airguns are towed behind large ships and fire extremely loud blasts of compressed air through the ocean and miles under the seafloor to search for oil and gas deposits. These dynamite-like blasts can occur every 10 seconds, for days to weeks at a time, and are incredibly dangerous to marine wildlife and fish.

Ed Sibylline : more information


Airgun and Echosounders

