Posted by: The ocean update | June 21, 2015

Stranded dolphin rescued from Clearwater Beach (Florida, USA)

Steno-FloridaJune 21st, 2015. A rough-toothed dolphin found beached Sunday on Clearwater Beach was retrieved by Clearwater Marine Aquarium and taken to SeaWorld Orlando, where it was treated by veterinarians, the theme park said in a news release.SeaWorld Orlando’s Animal Rescue Team was called by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to receive the dolphin, known to live near Hawaii and the northern Gulf of Mexico.

The 200-pound, 7-foot male dolphin was placed in a quarantine area, where veterinarians gave it fluids and antibiotics. Because the dolphin is extremely weak, the animal care team is constantly monitoring its respiration.

The dolphin will continue to receive round-the-clock care, as needed, the release said.

Ed Sibylline : not sure this dolphin will not end its life in captivity… Wait and see !

