Posted by: The ocean update | September 3, 2015

Boaters urged to watch for right whale (Massachusetts, USA)

September 3rd, 2015. BOSTON — The persistent presence of right whale calf off Plymouth has the Division of Marine Fisheries warning boaters, according to a statement.

“During the last week, the animal has been sighted several times in the area between Gurnet Light and the Pilgrim Power Plant,” they wrote. Boaters are urged to slow down to less than 10 knots and post look outs to avoid hitting the endangered whale. The DMF noted that vessels are not allowed by federal and state law to be closer than 500 yards of a right whale.

The calf’s mother has not been seen, and her status and location are unknown, according to the statement.

“The 15-foot-long calf has been keeping a low profile at the surface, making it difficult to see, and it bears scars from a recent vessel collision. Right whales are the most endangered large whale in the North Atlantic, with a population of approximately 550 animals,” they wrote.

Anyone who sees the whale is encouraged to call the NOAA Right Whale Hotline at 866-755-NOAA.

